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The South Texas Alzheimer's Disease Research Center

The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio in partnership with The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, are bringing dementia care to Texas as the state’s only National Institute on Aging (NIA)-designated Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center.

Designated in 2021 as a Center of Excellence for dementia care and research, our mission is to uncover the social determinants of health and Alzheimer’s in Hispanics using precision medicine to better serve those impacted by the disease.

As the national designated center for South Texas, we are:

Extending dementia care and research throughout Texas,

connecting high-risk populations with personalized care and support.

Pioneering groundbreaking, life-saving research

with other centers nationwide—collaborations that have produced many of today’s findings and resources for dementia.

Learning from our patients and families

about what is important to them to help shape our research and the future of dementia care.

Finding new ways to detect, diagnose, treat and prevent dementia,

and improving care for individuals with dementia and their families.

Alzheimer’s in Texas

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Texas has the fourth-highest number of Alzheimer’s cases and the second-highest number of deaths from Alzheimer’s in the U.S.

In addition, 13 South Texas counties are among the top 25 in the U.S. with the highest prevalence of Alzheimer’s.

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40% of the Texas population are Hispanics​- a high-risk group that are often under-diagnosed and underrepresented in Alzheimer’s research.